We are a Company that works the circular and collaborative economy especialized in the field of reuse to give waste a chance and in some cases go further by transforming them into products.

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About us

We are a Company that works the circular and collaborative economy, specialized in the field of reuse to give waste a chance and in some cases go further by transforming them into products.
We help waste-generating companies, find creative solutions by connecting them with companies that can reuse them.

Who we are?

<p.Achieving the maximum reduction/elimination of the industrial waste, offeringmanagement solutions and re-use to companies to convert their waste to. Let us help waste-generating companies to find creative solutions that can reuse them.

Our generators

We cannot just talk about a customer relationship – suppliers, we prefer to think about a collaborative spirit without which we could not carry out our activity. Sometimes, a waste generator may eventually become a receiver of another waste, thus participating in the circular economy.

We are continuously developing projects with public support and co-financing.

The INNOLARVA project has become a new social and collaborative economy cooperative supported by the Directorate General of Social and Solidarity Economy, the Third Sector, and Cooperatives.

Success KPI

Tones recovered from the landfill
Reused units

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